This field shows additional information. Usually that’s the location of the connected Master.
To toggle Quiet Mode, click here.
This bar shows the progress of the current calculation.
These lights show what MandelNet Slave is doing at the moment. ‘RCVE’ stands for ‘receiving data’, ‘SEND’ for ‘sending data’ and ‘CALC’ for ‘calculating’.
Quits MandelNet Slave.
Closes the connection. Not available because you’re not connected.
Closes the current connection.
Opens a connection to a MandelNet Master. Not available because you’re already connected.
Opens a connection to a MandelNet Master.
This command’s not available; respond to the dialog box.
This menu’s not available; respond to the dialog box.
File menu
Use this menu to control MandelNet Slave.
Displays a dialog box with information about MandelNet Slave.